Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To my Dad...

I have one of the best dad's in the world. I know a lot of us say that but I mean it. He is the best dad that I could have had - which I am sure is why he got stuck with me. God knew I needed him. He is silly and strange and not afraid to look like an idiot while playing with his kids and his grandkids. He is also a rock that I always knew I could hang on to and count on. Even when I ignored that - he still offered it. My dad has been there for me through laughter and tears. He always wanted me to be happy and strong - and loved me enough to help me when I confused happy with fun - no matter how mad I got. There are many many days that I wished I had listened. I know he probably doesn't read this so I will have to print it and mail it to him :) but I needed to say it anyway. I love you dad. I am sorry for all the tears and the frustration and the really awful things I said and did. And I am so grateful you never gave up on me even when I am sure I deserved to be smothered. Thank you dad. I love you.

P.S. I was reading in Mosiah last night and King Benjamin was talking. I have said before that he speaks with your voice and this particular one just brought it home. He was talking about how we should believe in the Lord and believe in repentance, believe in the scriptures and that (and here is the part that really sticks to me as you) *if ye believe these things see that ye do them. I think that says it all really. :) I love you dad.

1 comment:

Gennaveeve said...

Ya, I'm crying my eyes out! And I have to agree, he really is the best!

Fun Stuff!