Friday, June 24, 2011


Today I am scattered. Not frazzeled - I feel pretty good actually, just scattered. I brought speakers to work and I am listening to my newly discovered pandora staions. It could become a serious love thing I think. So I am bouncing around my seat and waving my flower pens in the air orchestrating the music while the salesman look at me strangely but walk past without asking.

I wrote Happy Birthday to my father on his facebook page but he is at scout camp so he wont see it. I wonder if I can call him up there - or if I should wait until he gets home so as not to distract him. I am still not done making his father's day/birthday present even though I started a month ago. I just keep letting myself get distracted.

It has been nice and quiet in my house with my children gone and I am enjoying my time alone. know those times you are watching something, or reading something and you just want to talk to someone about it? Or you need to talk about your day? Or even when you just did something stupid and want to tell someone so you can both laugh about it? All these little simple things you don't even think about and totally take for granted when you have someone home to tell it to. I have called my sister a million times in the last week. *Sigh. I miss my husband.

Celibacy does strange things to your mind. Ha ha I know that sounds funny and it is really. It's only been 3 1/2 months but when you have someone with you all the time and now you can't even hold their hand or even see their face very often - its hard. Not hard as in "I couldn't help myself I had to go find someone else to fulfill me" kind of BS (and that is major BS in my opinion) just hard as in "I just wish I could at least look at his smile because I miss him so much it hurts" and "I miss feeling him sleep next to me and listening to him breathe" and "I would kill to have him hold me right now". Ok maybe thats all more loneliness but still - I have started to crave physical contact. Nothing dirty - a hug you know? I cuddle with my blankets. My dogs know it because they have to always sit on my lap or next to my legs. Its both cute and annoying.

I have started looking up all kinds of random trivia. My sister unfortunately gets to hear most of it for when I feel I simply must share it. :) Love ya Genn. Wikipedia and Google are my friends.

I cleaned my house day before yesterday. It's still clean!

My tomato plants did not survive - but my pepper plants are doing awesome.

My kids are having a fabulous time visiting family and are currently camping instead of playing video games. This is a fabulous thing. All the stuff I said I would get done while they were gone I haven't done yet. Ah well, I have three more weeks. And I admit I miss them too and will be happy to see them when they come home.

I am trying not to count down the days until I get to see my husband for r&r since I was told it was bad luck and makes it go by slower - but I can't help it. I know the day he gives me is just an -ish, since there are always unexpected delays or bumps or whatever but still.....I cant help it.

I love my husband. I love my children. I love my parents and my siblings and - well all my super cool family. They are all totally awesome. I am a damn lucky woman. *sigh now if I could just manage to get us all together and away from these evil, awful, nasty biting bugs. :)

1 comment:

Gennaveeve said...

You can call me ANY time! My husband is gone about 14 hours a day, so call me!! Love you!!!

Fun Stuff!