Monday, June 6, 2011

Peace and Quiet....ish

I put my kids on a plane last week. Its been 5 days that they have been gone now. The three days I was at work the routine wasn't all that different. I came home - did some laundry and made dinner and went to bed. It was quieter to be sure. No one argued about whether they had to go to bed or take a shower, no one whined about waht I made for dinner. No one helped me bring the groceries in the house or helped me wash the dishes either so that part sucked. It seems like the trade off is no backtalking but no slave labor either. Hmmmmmmm.

The weekend though....thats where I really felt it. I slept in on Saturday. All the way until 10:00am!! No one bothered me - no loud tv, no sneaking in my room to ask if they can have the chips for breakfast, no one called me or texted me, no one rang the doorbell and even the dogs were quiet! It was heaven! Ahhh blissful sleep where you actually wake up refreshed - I cant remember the last time that happened. It felt so good I decided to continue the trend and not leave the house. It was a jama day! I stayed off the computer and watched a Grey's Anatomy marathon and quilted the day away! Still no one called or texted or came over. It was just me.....and the massive mess I was making. :) It was a fabulous day.

I was planning on going to church on Sunday but I woke up feeling like death. I knew it! I had to pay for my awesome Saturday! It really felt like the worlds worst hangover. Nausea, pounding head that was very unhappy if I moved fast, or sounds were too loud, but I didn't drink! Then I realized that was the problem. During my quilting spree of a day I didn't eat anything or even have more than a small glass of milk. Now I was feeling it. Leftover chicken and rice soup with a huge mug of lemongrass/chamomile tea and a nap on the couch seemed to fix me right up. So what did I do with the rest of my day? Clean? Make lunches for the week? Nope. I finished my quilting! I made two baby blankets and I they were pretty cute too. Yes, I am feeling slightly smug. I made up my own patterns and they actually worked (which believe me is not the usual) and turned out nicely. They are just small receiving blankets but still. And the best part is - still no one called or came over. It was just me and the dogs.

*sigh .....and as nice as that was - I sure wish my husband had called me. It's been a week now but I know they go out on a lot of missions and they dont have phone services at a lot of places they go to but still....He wasn't there to make dirty jokes, or take a nap on the couch and be in my way while watching Nascar. He wasn't there to rile up the dogs or blast his stupid music while making a mess in the kitchen cooking me lunch. He wasn't there to snuggle up with and talk to me. He wasn't coming in and out of the house while working on his truck and swearing about how crappy it is and he is never working on it again.'s too quiet. So I guess while peace and quiet is's only nice if it's quiet..ish.

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