Wednesday, February 2, 2011

2011 - It begins :)

First post in 2011 and it only took me until Feb 2nd! Whoo hoo! I never really did listen to my christmas music. But I did spend a couple days with Peter in my MP3 player. I wish I could have gone to see him but it just didn't quite work out that way. Christmas was nice - a little weird but nice. It was just strange to not have anywhere we needed to go you know? We opened presents and sat at home, watched TV and played games. It was nice. Josh got the skateboard he has wanted for a while. It was a nice one too - I was rather proud of myself. Curtis got some posters so his room wouldn't be so naked, and his own Zune with a docking station. It was relaxed, and somehow not quite real feeling. Does that make sense?

Of course, 2 days after Christmas I got snow. It was awesome. Just these pretty little flakes floating down for a couple of hours. Nothing to shovel, nothing to drive in, nothing to stick and ice over, just enough to float down and look pretty. Perfect! New Years was pretty calm too. And now we are in 2011. Can you believe it? Where does time go?? So here we are getting ready for Aaron's deployment. I am not sure how I feel about that. I have known it was coming for a while - it is just more real now. I worry of course but for the most part I am fine.

I know some of the girls here think I am cold beccause I am not crying hysterical, or angry and yelling about how I don't want him to go, or crying about how I will miss him so much I don't know how I wll live. He is out on a field excercise for a week now and some of the girls are crying about how much they miss them and cant stand having them gone. All I can think of is - seriously? It's 4 days! Get a grip. But then I am not a young newlywed so what do I know. Personally I find a week to myself relaxing. Is that bad? Maybe because I have been expecting for a while it easier for me? I mean - he did join the army in the middle of a war - we knew he would deploy sometime. Thats a given isn't it? How could you not expect this? If you didn't want to go - you shouldn't have joined. I know me and the kids will be fine. I work, my kids are older so I know I will be busy. My routine just wont change much. To be fair if it was me and a couple toddlers and no job - I could see this as daunting. Oh well.

On the plus side - where they are going they should have the internet at least part of the time so he gets to skype! Whoo hoo! So I guess it is just cuddle as much as I can while he is here and go from there. :)

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Fun Stuff!