Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So we had a football Sunday. I have to say - I am rather pleased with myself. I cleaned the house, really good too. We made stuff for the game, muchies, salsa (oh man I love Aaron's salsa- I think I could eat an entire batch by myself and heartburn be damned), burger stuff, stuffed mushroom stuff, and I had time to clean the kitchen after all that prep before people came over! Yay me!

Now if my husband hadn't been grouchy because his external hard drive quit on him the day before and we couldn't figure out how to fix it and of course we hadn't backed anything up - since that WAS the back up. * sigh *
But it's all right. We managed to still get a few rounds of Golf in (a totally awesome card game I learned from my in-laws) and watch the Steelers go down in flames. Much to Curtis' disappointment. He and Josh were really rooting for them, they are Curtis' favorite team. Poor kid.

Then after everyone left around 11, I cleaned again! All my dishes were done and counters wiped down before I went to bed. Yay me! If only I could stay that motivated all the time. Visitors do that you know - cant let them think I live in a sloppy house. Well not all the time anyway. :)

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