Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Singing in the Rain

I wandered outside last night with the dogs. (Yes I have dogs now. 2 long haired chihuahuas. My husband who is now banned from ksl saw them in the free section. So he took Josh up to look at them and I get a phone call. You know the one. Look how cute they are. We promise to take care of them and clean them and we love them so much they will be the best dogs EVER! Please please please please? And that was just from Aaron. ha ha ha ha. So now I have dogs. Cute little fluffy rats that they are. They don't bark except at the door, but they get over that pretty quick. They don't shake or pee when excited which is really nice. Over all I forgive them for guilting me into saying ok.)

Anyway, I still had yesterday's post in mind. So I stood there in the dark, listening to the wind go through the trees. Just me on the lawn with my fluffy rats. I closed my eyes and just listened. It sounds like the ocean. Like waves crashing down. I used to dream about what it would be like to talk to the trees. And if the wind was just the trees talking to each other. I read a book that had a tree in it that was a whole bunch of trees. 50 or 60 of them but they all shared the same root system. They were basically all one tree, or maybe a family i'm not sure. I thought about that wondering how they must talk to each other. With branches? Maybe shared sap? Like the sap was the blood of the tree coursing through all of them, sharing thoughts of the sun, the soil and the wind. How we must seem like mayflies with quicksilver in our veins. Rushing here, scurrying there, trying to fit everything in to our tiny short lives. I often think about how relaxing it might be to slow myself down and sink my mind into the sould of a tree. Feel myself slowly move along with the sap, feel the sun warm the leaves, and breathe. "But alas, quicksilver is my nature to ones like these."

And what about the mountains? How far would you have to slow yourself down in one place long enough to hear something from the stones? Those bones of the earth that have been here since the beginnings. Im not sure we are even mayflies to them. Far faster than quicksilver are we to them. But oh my, what wisdom and knowledge would we hear? The history of the earth, the ice ages and great floods?

Being quicksilver is allright though when its all you know. Im sure even the mayflies move at a pace that seems right to them. It rained all morning and will do so for a day or two the weather man says. I love the rain. I love the smell, and the sound. I love to listen to the thunder and watch the lightning. So who wants to be a mountain or a tree with no feet? They cant sing and dance in the rain.

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