Thursday, March 19, 2009

Project Weekend!

Aaron went to Las Vegas a couple weekends ago to watch Nascar. He had an amazingly good time and told me how fun it was. He said it was so fun it didn't matter if I liked racing or not, it would still be fun and I so have to go next year. I told him that my present to him for his birthday each year could be to go watch and have a good time. His present to me would be to not make me go to. I think we have a deal. :)

While he was away I decided to rearrange my house. The boys room is a skinny rectangle. It's a very small room. It has a closet on one of the long sides and a window on the other. So we had the beds against the window and their dresser on one short side and the tv on the other. This made it feel like their room was never clean, because the minute they take their shoes off, put their coats down and stuff it took up almost all the floorspace. They just had a narrow walkway from the door to tv. So I decided to see if there was enough room for the beds to go on one of the short sides and see if I could square the room off. And they did!! Just barely, I think there might be a foot between the end of the bed and that part of the closet. But ha! it fits. Then just move the tv under the window and.....holy cow!! That made such a huge difference it was crazy! Makes it feel so much bigger all squared off like that. Then I repainted their room, and while I was at it the hallway, and the bathroom, and the living room. Then my sister gave me these cool blue curtains. One small panel for each side of the window. They don't cover it (which is good I didn't really want them to) but again I was amazed at how a little change can make such a huge difference!! Curtains just make it so much more homey than just blinds. It's awesome, thanks sis!But I haven't taken a picture of that yet since of course the kids really do always need to clean it. :)

Then I decided to tackle the living room. We have a small apartment and I really don't think I like the layout. It doesn't leave you many options. Hopefully you can see the arrows in the picture. I didn't take a before one. The fish tank was on the wall by the couch. (It's a small wall since it is just a divider wall between the kitchen and the living room, there is an opening on either side of it to go to the kitchen)The book case was in front of the window. I thought maybe if I moved it all around I could make it have more light and feel like it had more room. And it totally did. Also, I added curtains. Again - I am amazed that curtains can make such a huge difference to the room! Holy cow. I bought linoleum tiles (now sitting on the floor by the fish tank)to re-do the bathroom floor, but everything else took so much more time and effort than I thought it would that I didn't get to it. I am so taking before and after pictures of that when I do it though. So over all I am rather pleased with myself. Trying not to be smug. :)

Here is the picture again without the arrows.

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Fun Stuff!