Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Smooth Away ..... really???

I am usually pretty good about not buying things off of infomercials. Usually because I am broke. I did buy a Magic Bullet. (not so magic, but still not bad) I have been sorely tempted to buy this cooking thing that looks like a clear dome. Also - there was a ballet bar exercise thing that I have wanted try for a while -- but way too much money for me.

Now this Smooth Away thing comes on TV and I think to myself -- yeah right. See my problem is that I have thick, coarse, hard to remove hair and super, uber sensitive skin. This does not make for a happy combination. I shave and that day I am ok -- then I break out all over my inner thighs, back of my knees, etc. Most of it is ingrown hairs, and just plain skin irritation. Now if you are my sister-in-law Katie who only has to shave once every couple months, this is not your problem I am sure. But 12 hours after I shave (or once I get the chills) the stubble is back. I tried waxing but it only took off 20% of the hair and most of the skin. Nair (and equivalents) just dissolved it down to stubble and left my skin burned and rashed. *sigh* My best option was just to shave once or twice month. Yeah Sasquatch legs!! So I figured what could this hurt right? I bought this, and the 3 month supply. Cost 60 bucks with shipping. Ouch! Come to find out -- 3 days later I see it at Target for 10 bucks. *sigh*

Here is what I have found. It is pretty much superfine sand paper. Now don't be scared, I meant superfine. My cats tongue is rougher. The box comes with 4 replacement pads. Well you will need them all. They just don't last very long. And the hair needs to be short, like 1/4 inch or less. Unlike the lady in the commercials you do NOT just rub it up and down your arms and legs. You go in little circles like Mr. Miyagi. You know..hair on/hair off. Don't be afraid to use pressure but not too much! All in all, this worked. It only lasts as long as shaving, but it takes a lot longer than shaving to do! On the plus side, I have not broken out 2 days later. And as an exfoliant -- it is very good! I don't know that I would recommend it on your face though. Mine didn't get red or irritated, but it sure stung like *&%@ for a couple days on my upper lip and neck. My legs didn't have that problem.

So I am sure it will totally depend on your skin and hair type, and if shaving is quick and easy and you don't have problems, I would just keep that up, maybe use this as just an exfoliator? But for me this seemed to work ok once I got over how much longer it took and how long(or not) the pads lasted. But buy it from Target and not online!!! It's not worth the shipping. Just my 2 cents.

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