Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am not even going to mention how long it has been since I posted. I would like to say I was too busy, but since I have the Internet at work that's really not much of an excuse. Honestly - it is just pure laziness. Couple that with the fact that I prefer reading to writing and add in my basic hermitness and that equals crappy blogger. :)

Anyway - let's see what has been happening in the world of the Smith's in Georgia. The heat finally broke. I think we were in October before our heat index went down under 100. It has been a very pleasant upper 70's to mid 80's the last week or two with a nip in the mornings that is nice. Maybe sometime in December I will need to turn my heater on. I don't miss driving in the snow but I have to admit that it certainly doesn't feel like it's almost Christmas. It makes it a little harder to get into the spirit of things you know?

Otherwise - life moves on. Josh had stomach surgery a week before Halloween. He was complaining about a stomach and I just kind of brushed it off. I mean - it was just a stomach ache right? But he kept complaining and said it was getting worse and he started crying. Then I realized he didn't have school the next day so he wasn't trying to get out of anything and I felt bas because he looked like he was really hurting so I took him in to Winn. (The on-post hospital, it has a urgent care in the ER) They said his stomach felt full so they did an x-ray, then they did a cat scan. Several hours later the doctor came in and said there might be something but it was probably nothing but just in case they were transferring us to the Bacchus Children's Hospital at Memorial in Savannah since they don't really deal with kids. I said, um ok. So we rode in an ambulance to Savannah at 4:30 in the morning. When we got there the doctor looked at the cat scan and said his intestine was kinked and we need to do surgery. Now. I said sure and 20 minutes later he was in the ER. I guess all the stuff they did when he was a baby left some scar tissue that grew and stretched as he did until it finally kinked that intestine. *sigh* But after 4 days they said go home, and we did, and now he is fine. Except that the scar he had from before is just a little longer and a little crooked because it swerves around his bellybutton. I told him his old scar was the "cut here" line.

Curtis finally got his braces off last week and I finally made my last payment to the orthodontist! Hooray! Now he better floss those suckers religiously!

I went to Oktoberfest in Savannah. It was awesome. They had all these little booths everywhere (which is really why I go to any festival) and I found two awesome artists. One is photographer and the other a painter. Loved them. Aaron found a life size model of Marylin Monroe and loved her too. A little too much according to some photographic evidence I have. :)

Haven't been to the beach in a while and I miss that, but I did get to drive out to South Carolina to see my sister last week! Yay for family moving close! Well...closer. Within driving distance. Ok easy day trip driving distance. For anyone but my father who probably thinks 10000 miles is day trip driving distance. Anyway - you get the picture. And I get to go back in a couple days for Thanksgiving! Yay for turkey (and Adrian's stuffed mushrooms)!

Now if I could only get all the details of our FRG Christmas party settled to everyone's satisfaction that would be great!

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Fun Stuff!