Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why I love Grace

I have been watching a TV show on TNT lately called Saving Grace. I love it. I really really love it. I know it is rated TVM. I know it is not appropriate for my kids, maybe not my mom either (even though I think she would like it and maybe I will get her to watch it sometime anyway) but I still love it. Here is why.


Earl is an angel. He shows himself to Grace in the first episode. He looks like a middle aged 50 something guy. He always has a new T-shirt on under an unbuttoned flannel shirt. His hair always needs to be brushed and he is kind of a red-neck. I think he is perfect. I think if God is going to send an angel to someone he will send them in a form they will understand and accept. He is kind and compassionate and dedicated. He is a "last chance" angel. His job is to get Grace to come to God, accept him and help her to help herself. I think its interesting that there is no particular name or form of God that is "better" for him. Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or Islam - Earl doesn't care. In fact when one of the other characters converts to Islam he is surprised Earl is still his angel, thinking he was only a Christian angel. Earl just laughed and said " You humans - thinking a name makes any difference." I loved that. He cant force her against her will but he sure messes with her and pushes that as far as he can. But he loves her, every good thing about her. And he sees good things in everything about her that others might not. He worries about her and cares for her. If I were to have an angel looking out for me - I would want it to be Earl.


Grace is a mess. A serious crazy mess. She is a homicide detective with the Oklahoma City Police Department. Her sister was killed in the bombing. Her nephew was 10 days old at the time. She has dedicated a lot of her time to her nephew. She loves him with a crazy protective passion. I think that's the word that really describes her. Passion. She puts it into everything. Her work, her dog, her nephew, and just her life. Everything she does she is determined to do to the fullest. She is a loyal friend and a fearsome enemy. Her laugh and her happiness is infectious, her anger and stubbornness would shame a bull. She drinks way too much and sleeps with everyone. And yeah I mean pretty much every guy she meets. She has a really hard time believing in any type of God. This is a little understandable given that starting at age 9 to 12 she was repeatedly sexually molested and raped by her family priest. Even with her drinking and her sex life though - there is still a feel of trying to find as much zest in life as she possibly can. Her pain is real and you feel it with her as are her joys. She is a strong and capable person that those who know her cant help but love even when she makes that difficult. I admire her and all her quirkiness. I want to smack her and tell her to stop being such a stubborn fool. I want to hold her and tell her its going to be ok and I want to go dancing with her because I know we will have a damn good time.

I know with all her faults I still love her and still think she is strong. I like that she doesn't have to be perfect to be strong. I love everything Earl says to her, everything he tells her about whats really important. These are a few of the reasons I love Grace.

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