Friday, June 25, 2010

Lillith - Blenders - and Time

Ok, so this post is mostly just trying to organize some thoughts that have been floating around my head. I have read several good books lately and like all the good ones they make you think about them for a while. And as I thought about them I start thinking to myself - well what if?? And you reorganise some ideas in your head and those ideas shoot off into tangents. Then they decide to go onto several different hikes and these ones head down the scenic byways while some other ones go straight up and yet others lag behind to chill in the shade. This generally just leads to a crazy mess in my head because they all end up getting hot and tires and losing their hiking buddy and no one can make sense of anything when they all get home.

You know?

So anyway - I have been thinking about mythical creatures. Vampires, angels, and everything in between. Yes I am a Twilight fan. I think because she made them new. I know a lot of people hated them for that very reason but personally I liked it. So there. Another series I read was called the Mortal Instruments trilogy. The good guys carry the blood of angels and are the "police" of the "downworlders". Which are the vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, warlocks, etc. All of which carry the blood of demons. This was a great trilogy and I recommend it. What was interesting in all my readings of various books involving the mythical and night creatures was how many references to Lilith there were. Even in C.S. Lewis' books he mentions her as Adams first wife.

Now this is the first I have heard about it. So I looked it up and there is oodles of mythology about her. Apparently she was not as submissive and meek as Eve. Also it seems she was very strong and somewhat powerful (power of the angels its hinted). God deemed her unsuitable and cast her out of the garden. Now her children from Adam were also powerful, but cursed because of their parentage. Mostly its only vampires who are associated as children of Lilith, but in other stories all magical creatures and faries are descended from her. Hmmm. Now that time in Eden and the immediate aftermath would make an interesting story yes? And with vague biblical references (and really what other kind are there?) to her, a nod from C.S. Lewis, is there any kernel of truth to a story of Adams other wife??? Hmmmm.

Of course, I am not sure that I buy that reason for Lilith for being unsuitable. Or at least that being the only reason. I just don't picture Eve as being meek and submissive. She had to have a lot of courage and strength and, well, gumption to do all she had to in her life. If you think about all of those "night children" including the faeiries, maybe especially the faeiries, they all have a touch of capriciousness and cruelty. Some more than others. This is attributed to Lillith which seems like a much likelier reason for her being unsuitable for Adam. Humanity needed less power and more compassion? I know I would prefer Eve for a mother.

Another fun topic for me lately has been time. The Hourglass Door started a very fun new story for me about what time is and does. Eric was a fun story that had a section where they travelled in time that is forming a story in my head greatly influenced by my husband. Time I decided is NOT like a river. Thats too linear. Time is whirlpool, every eddy touches the other circling endlessly around. A rock thrown in one eddy will not disrupt the whirlpool but will cause ripples radiating out the edge of that eddy and into the adjacent ones causing unknown problems in both the past and future from that moment! Chaos! Sounds fun! I mentioned this to my mother and she told me it sounded more like a blender. Swirling around, faster at the bottom, and if you push the wrong button everything shoots out the top into squared space making a complete mess of things. I like that too. I think that needs to be a conversation in my story.

Anway this is way too long but I needed to get it out of my head. :)

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