Thursday, November 12, 2009

In the Army now!

My husband enlisted in the Army in June. He did a bunch of training and stuff and left for boot camp October 27th. Its a change. I was used to him working out of town for a week or two here and there, but this is different. He always called me. Every day. A couple times. And he would send me texts. All day. Now I can get letters. And every so often a five minute phone call. I miss him. I miss him more than I thought. Not that I really knew how much I thought I would. We have never been apart before like this,'s different.

It's strange to have every one look at me like I'm a time bomb waiting to go off. Like any minute now I'm going to start screaming and have a break down. I'm not - so relax. :) It's hard yeah but still. I'm ok. He is ok. It was so nice to go to his going away party and have so many people come. To have complete strangers come up to him and thank him for serving. He has received so much negativity about it from his family so that was nice. It's strange to have someone tell me I am brave for letting him do it. No I'm not. He is the brave one. And I'm not sure I had anything to do with letting him. When he told me it was what he wanted to do you could see in his eyes that he meant it. That he found his purpose, this is what he needed to do for him. How could I possibly say no you can't? But then I have never had an issue with the military so.... I didn't have that big of an objection in the first place. After all, he wanted (and still wants to do after the military) to go into law enforcement. Bomb squad and swat team kind of thing, so really how is this any more dangerous? I worry of course. I really don't want him to go to Iraq or Afganistan, but realize he very likely will. And we will deal with that when we need to.

For right now though..I just miss him. He is my friend. Sure we drive each other crazy and have each threatened to smother the other while we sleep, but really now, what married couple hasn't? :) I love my husband, I giggle like a schoolgirl and do a little happy dance with every letter I get. I have had three phone calls and those were awesome. His last one was Tuesday since Wednesday was Veteran's Day. He says he is doing well. They made him a squad leader and he says all the younger guys look to him. Which he says freaks him out a little. He said he doesn't know what he is doing any more than them just because he is so much older! Ha Ha Ha. He says his Drill Sgt. is the one all the other Drill Sgt.'s are afriad of. I laughed. Well at least he will know he REALLY earned it! He said some of it is what he expected, some of it is worse. But hey, it's the army. He misses everyone and said it sucks, he is getting smoked by some of these kids but over all he thinks he is doing just fine. :) I am super super glad he gets to come home for Christmas though! Josh is excited because he comes home on Josh's birthday!

Anyway - I think I meant this to be an update post but kind of just ended up wandering all over everywhere. :)

1 comment:

Gennaveeve said...

I love you Sam! Can I ditto everything you said? Cuz when they decided what they want to do with their lives, and if it will make them happy, who are we to tell them no? We just want them to be happy with what they choose to do. LOVE YOU!!!

Fun Stuff!