Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holiday Catch up!

It's been busy!
It has been different with my husband gone. I knew it would be but it's been interesting to see HOW it's been different. I am used to him going out of town for a week or two at work, but this was different. It took a week or two to really miss him because of that - but man, miss him I did. Mostly his voice. I missed talking to him. The mail can be slow so sometimes when I ask him a question it is 8 or 9 days later before I get an answer. Sometimes I will call my voicemail on the home phone just to listen to him talk. Is that pathetic? I do not miss the constant text messages, just his voice. :) I would lay in bed sometimes staring at his side of the bed thinking of how much I love him. That whole "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing? It's true. Mostly because I can sit and dwell on all the things I love without him there to irritate me and ruin it. :) But I do love him, more than I ever thought I could. And I miss him terribly. More than I thought I could. And I can't tell him that. I can't tell him that I miss him so much it hurts. I can't tell him that in the shower sometimes I cry for no reason. All I can say is that I love him and everything is fine. Even if it wasn't fine I say it is. He can't worry about us right now, he has to focus on what he is doing.

And man oh man, the stuff he is doing. He came home for Christmas on December 18th. YAY!! I was giddy as a schoolgirl to go see him! I just hugged him and hugged him. And brought him a pepsi and king size snickers bar. :) He looked so good in his uniform! Well he just looked good! We picked up the kids from school, went to dinner, and then went to go see Avatar. (which by the way was awesome! The story is ok, the scenery is beautiful.) It's what Josh wanted to do since it was his birthday. The next day was his party at the nickelcade. It was a fun cheap party. And best of all - I didn't have to clean up! Then there was a major fight with my worthless ex-husband that I wont go into. Let me just emphasize the worthless part. Ok - moving on! We pretty much did a lot of nothing, and it was really nice. We visited family, went to dinner, snuggled on the couch. It was great. My ex had the kids from the party until Christmas Day, so we went to the Christmas Party at my moms without them. It was still fun to see all my family. We traded cookies! Except for Gennee and Adrian. Adrian made this to die for chocolate caramel pretzel thing.MMMMMMM! He is now ordered to make me more for my birthday every year. :)We also went and picked the kids presents up. They were awesome! We found some people cleaning out their basements and found a full size pool table, air hockey table, and foosball table for about 100 bucks. How awesome is that?

So Christmas morning I went and picked up the kids at noon, and had a family day! First my mom's then his. It was 11 by the time we got home so the 26th was Christmas part 2! I wanted a Christmas morning at my house so thats what we did. It was great! And we went to the Jackson's for dinner, Nate and Kimber and her sister and her sister's boyfriend came over after dinner and played rockband. Man you haven't seen anything until you have watched Kimber play rockband! She is totally invited to all future rockband events!

Then it was just more nothing. Ahhhhh. I love that. Then came New Years. I took Aaron to Joe and Meshayla's to hang out with his girlfriend Amber, and I took the kids to my sisters where we played games, and rockband, and watched most of Wolverine. Still need to see the end though. Relaxed New Years Day and took him back to the airport at 8am Jan 2nd. *sigh* It was different to say goodbye to him this time. I didn't get enough time. It was like lethargy set in. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself all day. And now - I miss his voice again. I know he graduates in 2 months and then I can go see him. It's not any longer than he has already been gone. If he gets deployed soon (which is most likely) then he will be gone a lot longer than 2 months and I really just need to suck it up. Its part of being an army wife. I know that.And I am ok - I really am - it's just ....I don't know. It's all good. I just wish for that good night phone call you know? Even a 30 second one. Just a hey babe - everything is fine, I love you kiss the kids, bye. Even just that. But if wishes were fishes. Anyway, not that anyone really wanted my holiday play by play - there you go anyway. :)

Love you all!

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