Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Ok so this picture has nothing to do with I am talking about but that's all right because it's cool. Well maybe it does. You know those dreams where you are being chased and you just can't get away? Either because your legs don't work, all the sudden you feel like you are running in sand or water or something? Well I think this picture is kinda like that. How fast can you paddle?

Well I have discovered a couple of things. First: not everyone dreams like me. Second: I have really really strange dreams. I have really vivid colorful dreams. Sometimes they fade in an hour or so, sometimes they stay with me for a couple of days. I have one dream I had in 8th grade that I can still remember like I just had it. It's one of those really truly strange dreams. The nazi's were invading and they had these house size lunchboxes that would open and killer Hi-C fruit drink boxes would come out and kill people. But the rebels (including me of course) had these robots that would turn into pizza's so we could deliver them the nazi's then they would turn back into robots and kill them. We also had these bombs that when you shot them into the air they would come down screaming neener neener neener.
You see what I mean? There are lots of times, most times I think where I am not even in my dreams, I'm just watching like its a tv show and sometimes I'm one of the charachters. Or I have dreams that I have had before, and while I'm dreaming I know that I have had this one before and think "oh man - a rerun" but I still can't change them. Or new dreams where you know you are dreaming so you think that you should be able to do cool stuff since its a dream like fly, or will your pants back on after you realize you went to school naked. But its a dream so you should be able to make your clothes come back or at least make it so that no one notices. But no - you still can't. Knowing it's a dream or not. That really bites.
Then you have the roller coaster dreams -- not where you are on one but where everything changes every 30 seconds. Or seems to anyway. For example last night I was on an island but the sun started to explode so we rode over the lava in a pirate ship but it got stuck on the lawn of my parents house where we were filming a movie (and I was no longer me) in the desert etc etc. I know what you are thinking but no I am not crazy just strange.
So it was really interesting to learn that lots of people don't remember ever having dreams. Ever. Or just a couple here and there. Lots of people dream in black and white. Some people remember them for a while, some forget them before they are all the way awake. They know they dreamed but can't catch it anymore after the alarm goes off. Huh. Interesting. So am I just really weird then? I don't know. But if so, thats ok.

1 comment:

Gennaveeve said...

I always remember my dreams. They are in color and I can never run unless I grab the ground to get a start. I'll have nightmares that I just can't shake and Adrian can't remember his dreams. So unfair.

Fun Stuff!