Thursday, February 28, 2008


Kids are fun. This is what I decided the other day. Oh, they have their days when you just want to smother them or sell them to the gypsies but overall they are fun. Last weekend it was just me and Josh at home. Aaron was working on his mom's basement and Curtis was at his dad's. So Josh decides he is bored. (Not that this is a hard state for him to be in.) So he gets out this puppet theatre I got him for Christmas with all these little hand and finger puppets. I wish I had a picture. And he proceeds to put on a show. In this particular one he has an alligator and a duck puppet. They are friends and laugh and play and tell stories to each other. Then one day the alligator gets hungry and decides to eat the duck. The Possum puppet pops up and tells him how naughty that was. He was a bad alligator because they are not supposed to eat their friends. So the alligator feels bad and throws up the duck. And they are friends again. I wasn't quite sure how to react to that one so I just said good job buddy. After all there was a moral right?? Not like the next one where the possum is a vampire and preys on all the little finger puppets because after all -- even vampires need to eat. What? Again I just said good job buddy. Maybe I have been reading him too many bunnicula books?? Kids are fun, give you all kinds of new ways to look at stuff and think. :)

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Fun Stuff!