Monday, January 28, 2008


So I get grouchy a lot. It sounds bad but I do. Then I bite it off and try to be nice anyway. Otherwise I feel like a big fat hypocrite. See, I have no patience with self-pity, poor me whining. I feel like you either fix it or shut up. And this can get me in trouble as being insensitive. And I'm not really, you should be allowed to be upset when something is wrong or something bad happens. But wallowing in "I'm a bad person, nothing will ever go right, I'm a loser" etc. etc. etc. because you had a bad day just irritates me. Sorry you had a bad day but that doesn't mean your whole life sucks.
Then I have a bad day. You know those days where you are irritable and moody and you know it's irrational but you can't help it. So you have to try and suck it and be nice anyway or else you are just like the people you complain about. I got these pictures from my mother .. and they help me put all my own personal irritations into perspective. I used to get mad at people who said think of the big picture. Isn't my little one enough to deal with? It's like when Josh was born with all of his problems and people would come up to you and say -- it could be worse. I don't care if it could be worse. Just because it wasn't worse didn't mean it wasn't bad enough. People in general I think have a hard time moving perspective off of ourselves. After all isn't it OUR life we are living? So isn't it natural that we are focused on us? To think that life is bigger than we are - to think that we are a small bit of this universe seems to people to say that we don't matter. And I understand that but I think one of my favorite lines is from Contact when she says that the universe she saw showed her how "small and insignificant and rare and precious" we all are. So thinking of it that way, my problems in the scheme of tings are pretty tiny. But that doesn't mean I dont matter. Because in all of this ..
there is only one of me. I may be small, but I am also rare and precious. And I can make it through whatever I have to -- and not just make it but smile and make it the best that I can as I go. Does any of this make any sense? I don't know, but it works for me. I love my children, I love my husband, and I am blessed. The rest is all just a distraction to make me forget that.

1 comment:

Cyndi Barker said...

Nicely put!
I needed that.

Fun Stuff!