Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Everybody Dies - Now go to bed!

When I was a child this was my dad's line when it was bed time. He would turn off the television, or tell me to put my book down and say "everybody dies now go to bed". It didn't matter what we were watching or what I was reading. We could have Fantasia or Real Genuis on and it was the same - "everybody dies now go to bed". We sighed and did as we were told. But I knew it was just something he said - not that it was true.

You can imagine then my horror the first time I read "On the Beach". I was in high school and I threw the book down and said what??? I ran upstairs and yelled at my father. "They all died!" I said. He didn't even know what I was talking about and without missing a beat he looks and me and says "I told you so." Argh!

I realize that I am a Happy Ending type of person. I like them - I prefer them. I am good with just ok too. It doesn't have to be happy so much as everything has top work out "ok". Does that make sense - like in the Hunger Games - it was sad and a lot of bad things happened, but it ended ok. Bad guys got what was coming to them and she found some peace. I'm not much into sad "what the crap was that? you cant leave it like that??" kind of endings. You know you have seen shows or read books like that. It's why I dont like a lot of the "human classics" that they make you read in school. I dont like Kafka, I hated Brave New World, and Animal Farm was deeply disturbing. It was supposed to be yes I know and it was well done etc, that doesn't mean its going to be my choice "light saturday night" reading.

It was like watching 12 Monkeys. Was it well done? Yes. Well acted and well written? Yes. Will I ever watch it again? No. Hell no. The bad guys win! Why would I ever want to watch crap like that?? I dont like the bad guys winning! It goes against my chosen reality. Even worse than that one was Fallen with Denzel Washington. That was a prime example of "what??? you are ending it like that??"

Ok - I admit it. I like my happy (or just ok) endings. I dont really care if that makes me a wuss, or "unable to appreciate the masterpeices of human emotion and suffering" in many of the classics. Sometimes I like the deep emotional stuff, sometimes I like some mental bubblegum. But over all I can say with certainty that I hate it when "eveybody dies - now go to bed!"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Wednesday

Just checking in. All is well, mostly, you know.

He has been gone a couple months now. Not a whole lot here is different and it feels like it should be, but my schedule didn't really change. I still get the kids up in the morning, go to work, come home and make dinner, make the kids help clean up and do homework, go to bed. Time with him after work is what I miss. It's funny - even the annoying things that made me want to smother him I miss now. It is quieter though - a little more laid back. That sounds disloyal but I cant help it. My husband is....a little bit high maintenance, emotionally at least, and attention wise.And lets face it - I just have more me time. Too much really when I just want to cuddle with him. If I could have home and just go on a nice fishing trip or golf trip or whatever - somewhere fun with the guys - one weekend a month or even every other month, well that would be perfect. I would have him here for the most part and then get just little breaks from each other. A year is just too long. :)

Other than that not much is happening. Kids brought home some good report cards last quarter, hopefully they do so again this quarter. Josh got a Star Award for honesty and trustworthiness. I told Aaron and he laughed and said the teachers there must be pretty gullible. He is a good kid though -even if he is a magpie. My mom says he suffers from OSS - Oh Shiny Syndrome. He just picks up whatever and it all ends up in his room. If you cant find something in the house - check Josh's room. Scissors, screwdrivers, the cheese grater anything. :)

They are doing well though and I am proud of them. My only real complaint is that the internet where Aaron is really sucks and we cant harldy use it - or when we do the quality is so bad I cant really hear or see him. I know I know - I should be grateful to have it at all when for most of history there wasn't any communication or hardly any at all. But still - we do have the technology now and it is pretty common in most of the world. People in the cities in Afghanistan have high speed internet just fine, and with sattellite's people can get the internet anywhere. I just think if we have the technology and I pay $80.00 a month for it - then it should work - and just in crappy spurts. I'm just sayin...

He is moving to a different FOB where it is not so "quiet". Great. I'm thrilled. I wonder to myself - why couldn't he have been the cook? No - he has to go look for bombs. It's ok though - I'm just venting. I miss him. I have a pile of his laundry that I did after he left on his side of the bed that I haven't put away. It's like an Aaron shaped pile just on the other side of me when I sleep. Is that crazy? I don't know. I can't wait for R&R though - he gets to come for 2 weeks to visit and that will be awesome. It will make the last half of it last even longer but it breaks it up into smaller times that he is gone so that works out great.

Anyway - enough rambling for today. Just checking in- all is well. Oh and Happy Wednesday - Happy Cinco de Mayo.

Fun Stuff!