Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving - Part 1

As usual, I haven't posted for forever. I've been busy so suck it up! :) Well, after my husband came home for Christmas (which was awesome) I had to send him back. But I was on the last half of the separation so I was good. There were things to plan for, like moving and deciding when and where we would live and all of that. We still didn't know which post we would be stationed at. I personally was really hoping for Italy. I mean really - how cool would that have been? But of course that didn't happen. Eventually we found out we would be moving to Georgia! I wasn't really sure how I felt about that. I'm still not. I didn't know anything about Georgia except my gran gran was from there. And it was hot and sticky. I saw a Survivor Man episode where he was surviving in the swamps of Georgia and that didn't make me feel much better. But hey - it's where we were headed so lets make the best of it! I know my family struggled with it. It was suddenly a little more real. The kids were divided. Josh was happy because we would be close to Jacksonville (where his favorite football team is from) and by the ocean. He decided he wanted to learn how to surf. Curtis was not so thrilled. Im not sure anywhere we went he would have been though. He just wasn't thrilled about moving at all. Much less someplace that has all kinds of "beware of alligator" signs up.

The hard part was the waiting. I knew where I was going but we didn't have written orders yet so I couldn't arrange for housing or travel or anything until we had those. Grrrr. One of the lessons of the military. Hurry up and wait. Dont make plans - or at least make very flexible ones. Very flexible - you know like those girls in Cirque de Soleil who canmake themselves into little pretzel boxes. Anyway - it wasn't bad. I mean I didn't have to pack or anything. The army was in charge of that. Which was really wierd.

Before long (and I never thought I would feel like it was going by quickly but man those last few weeks flew!) it was time for Graduation Day!! I bought greyhound tickets because they were a couple of hundred bucks cheaper than flying. Wow that was the wrong choice! I don't recommend it! Ever! 41 hours on a bus REALLY sucks. But hey - lessons learned. I finally got to St Roberts (the little town around Fort Leonard Wood) and checked in to my motel. I was so excited to see my husband the next day I thought I would never sleep. And promptly zonked out. :) Then I got to go pick him up! For 6 whole hours!! I didn't think I could look at him enough. It was awesome. I had to take him back that night for curfew. The next day was graduation! It was really impressive. Really. Then they put him on a bus to Georgia. Right after. I mean, within 45 minutes he was riding away. I just needed to go home and see what we could arrange for us to meet him!

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Fun Stuff!