Tuesday, January 22, 2008

There are no phone booths in Antarctica

If Superman really did exist -- where would he change? Are full phone booths still out there? Or would he just have to find more of those spinning doors? Do any of us really care? See - I think that if Superman did exist it would be more like the Incredibles. Some people would be grateful -- others would just be peeved because he didn't save them too. How could you possibly save everyone or be everywhere? So how do you decide who to help? And who fixes all the stuff you break trying to save the world? Wouldn't you get just a bit sick of the ungrateful people who just want more and more and more of you? This is why Superman can't exist, not in a world of cynics and greedy bloodsuckers. Or at least thats why he can't admit he does. So instead of a Superhero who we would wear down we just get stuck with the SuperVillians who we (in our weird twisted people way) cry out about but can't seem to get enough of. People are strange. This is why SuperHeroes live in Anarctica, even though there are no phone booths there.

1 comment:

Gennaveeve said...

Who does Supermans dry cleaning? And if he wears his suit under his clothes, how does he stuff his cape under it? It'd be like Evan Almighty with the robe ;-)

Fun Stuff!