Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Random Rants

So, what is a blog? Should it be a family update -- sort of a newsletter of myself? Or just a collection of random rants? Well I have to admit that I like my random rants even though a lot of times they don't make much sense and are often dark. For that I apologise. However, I will also make this a newsletter thing like the rest my very cool family who are much more creative than I am. And yes I did mean that and not sarcastically either. I have a very cool family. Weird, silly, strange, and fun. We all like each other and even get together for dinner once a month. Now - this is an old picture. I think it was taken in January of 2006. We have since added 2 new babies. One of them will be 1 this month and the other is currently being born today!! Yeah for babies! Those are nephews though -- not mine. Two of those little monsters are mine. Curtis and Joshua. They are 12 and 8. And yes I have better pictures of them I just think this one is cute. They fell asleep at Grandma's on the couch while the rest of the family was at a concert. We went to go see Peter Mayer. We love him. He is an independent singer/songwriter from Minnesota. He comes to Salt Lake every January and we go see him as part of our Christmas present from my parents. He sings Christian, Folk, and Silly stuff. Generally all around good guy.This is all of us (family, cousins, and friends) mobbing him for a picture. It's a little dark but it was lots of fun. We drag more people into it every year. Anyway -- here I am rambling again. So- bits about us: We are weird. That goes without saying. I am 30, obsessed with dragons and books. I'm married to a great, silly, strange man obsessed with animals, lizards and snakes and turtles in particular. We have been married for a little over 3 years. I have 2 silly strange but overall good hearted boys. They get in their fair share of trouble, Curtis for not thinking and Josh because some part of his scheme went awry. I worry about that one becoming the frat house con man and everyone will know about it but no one will care because he is such a charmer. I told my husband he gets to deal with the angry father's. Anyway - I love to read, the kids love to play video games, my husband likesto anything as long as he isn't required to sit still for more than 5 minutes because I think that might kill him. We are campers and fisher's. (Is fisher's a word?) The kids play sports of all kinds and we struggle and manage our way through life trying to teach and do the best we can. This is turning into a wierd journal/rant. I promise to get better at this though. :)


angeliclenore said...

Welcome to the blogging world!!!

West Valley Mom said...

Got ya bookmarked!

Fun Stuff!