Saturday, February 21, 2009

Football & Peppers

Football season is here again. Well, maybe football season part 2. This is indoor football. Should be fun. I have to say that I really enjoyed my nights and weekends though and now here they go again to the ever present football practice after practice. The interesting (and crappy) part is that they play indoor, but practice outside. In the cold. In the snow. And somehow -- they still love it. Bruises, frozen toes, snow scrapes that go up half their arms and all. Well, Curtis likes it, thinks it's fun. Josh adores it. It's fun listening to him talk to Aaron about his practices and words like man coverage, wedge, windows, cover 3 and stuff all seem to make sense to them. Now, I enjoy watching football, I really do. I have been a fan of the Giants for a couple of years. You know -before- they won the Super Bowl. But as to how to plan plays, what they are called and stuff - that part goes over my head. Mostly because I don't care. But I love seeing my kids doing something they love that doesn't involve electricity and paddles. (If you didn't know I meant video games that could sound kind of scary. But then in my family you never know -- So I'm just going to point out I meant video games.)

On my quest to be healthier and lose weight (The ever present New Years Resolution that somehow never happens. I think because I am lazy and really like my cheese and pasta.) I have discovered bell peppers. I have had green peppers of course on pizza and stuff because my mother loves them, but I have never really tried them before. However, I have cut my cheese, pasta, mayo, and creamy things down to almost nothing. I am trying to eat more salad as a side instead and have mostly successful. I realized that salad needs color. So I experimented, and have found out that I like radishes and bell peppers. All of the colors. Who knew that red ones were sweet? Well, besides people who have eaten them before. I get one of the four colors the supermarket has, chop them up and put a big handful in my omelets, and in my salads. Vegetables have mostly been limited to corn and green beans in childhood and since then I pretty much stuck to that -- adding in mushrooms here and there. But holy cow -- there is a whole world of veggies out there! Radishes, asparagus,leeks, and artichokes to name a few I have found and liked. I still don't like celery though. Icky. I do believe in fresh or frozen though. Most stuff out of a can is icky. Now maybe I can make myself try a beet.


Cyndi Barker said...

I can't imagine pratice in the snow. I whine all winter long!
Oooh, if you are eating more salads, you should try salad spritzers-- --my favorite is Balsamic Vinaigrette and when I am being really good on my diet, I carry it with me.

Gennaveeve said...

I had a dream last night that we had President Hinkley over for family dinner and dad kept making stupid jokes and spilling his milk everywhere. And all I wanted was a salad with that new Raspberry vinaigrette dressing and no one would pass it to me...anyway. Good on you for getting rid of pasta, I have yet to do so, maybe I'll brave it. But isn't it amazing how many other foods are out there? Can you imagine the boring food life we would have if we never left mom and dads house? It's sad... =) I really want her to try stir fry, water chestnuts are AMAZING!

dragonnldy77 said...

Actually the balsamic breeze spritzer is my favortie! And I still have pasta occasionally but I get the Barilla Plus. It's pretty good, but still only as a once in a while thing. It's funny I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. :)

Fun Stuff!