Monday, May 24, 2010

Moving Part 2

Well after they sent him on his way - I went home to figure out the best way to move. Now that I finally had orders I could call and set up the mover people and he could set up housing. We decided to live on post. It was most cost effective and we felt it would put us closer to anything we might need with the Army. He was having problems getting some things done though so I flew to Georgia to help him get it settled. We found a house, found the kids schools and got the movers settled so after a couple days there (and a visit to the beach) I went back home. But not to pack. The army was in charge of that. Which is weird. Its very different to see someone packing your things while you just sit there and watch. My dad and some very nice ward members helped me find a car and get it running so that it would get us to Georgia. My dad was awesome and said he would go with me. Which I was grateful for since he did almost all the driving. And you know - the drive was nice. A lot of sameness. Here are some things I learned between my bus trip and my drive to Georgia. Wyoming and Kansas are a lot of nothing. And I mean nothing. Oklahoma is pretty. Tennesee all the way to Georgia is pretty but most of it felt like driving through a long green tunnel.

Anyway my dad was awesome, we listened to a couple of book by Terry Pratchett which I highly reccommend. It was hard to say goodbye. We got to our home and our furniture was supposed to get there about 6 days later. So we borrowed some sleeping mats and dishes. Finished all the paperwork to get the kids in school. And saw about settling in. It was a little weird to live with my husband again - but it was in a completely new place where we both had to get used to new routines so it was easier to settle in than I thought. Actually I think it has been easier for me than for him. The kids are doing pretty well. Curtis hates the dress code at school but he's hanging inthere, :) Josh is playing baseball and Aaron is coaching his team.

It will take some time to get used to being sticky and sweaty all the time and the rain actually makes it hotter rather than cools it down. There is not a lot to do in town or on the post but if you are willing to drive for a bit there is lots of fun stuff to see and do. The beach is only about 45 minutes away and there is a little science center with a little aquarium in it. There is a sea turtle refuge on Jekyll Island, an awesome zoo, dolphin tours (which someday we will go on), not to mention fishing and alligator watching. Usually the alligatoirs ruin your fishing though. :)The wildlife is interesting, on our street we have frogs, turtles, armadillos, red foxes and deer. There is probably more but thats what we have seen so far. It is pretty here. I miss my family of course - we all do - but I think we will be just fine. :)

Fun Stuff!