Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Vegas, Football, & Halloween

So, I am really bad at this blogging thing I have decided. I have lots of fun reading them all but just don't write them. I don't know why. My life is just not all that interesting I guess.

I sent Curtis away this morning to Las Vegas to play football. I know he is with his team and coaches so technically he is not alone. But I feel like I sent him alone. It totally sucks I couldn't go with him. Not because I wanted some kind of vacation or anything but so I could cheer him, so I could hug him, so I could take his picture and be on the sidelines you know? *sigh* I hope he behaves.

I don't have any pics of him in full uniform yet. Here is one of Josh.He looked so cute. His team was pretty fun to watch. They didn't have much talent and didn't get a lot of the plays but man they had heart. Full of passion. It was fun. Curtis' team was more intense, they had more on the lin since they were older. They were fun and I cheered and yelled. But Josh's team was pretty fun.

For a fundraiser to help go to Vegas Curtis's team worked one night as server's at the Golden Corral. So of course I harassed him. When it got to the point I asked him to go get me 9 green m&m's he just looked at me and said no. Ha Ha Ha. But he still had to clean up the mess I made with crackers. Hey -- if he wants a tip he needs to earn it I say.

So I hope he has tons of fun. And behaves. If you can do both in Vegas. If not..well then I root for behaves. *sigh*

So Halloween was fun. I didn't have to do anything. How awesome is that? Curtis went to a friends house for a party and Aaron took Josh to his parents. I put a bowl of taffy (leftover from last year but really..they are kids, they wont care) on the porch and put on my headphones to listen to my book and sewed some Christmas projects that maybe possibly if I'm lucky I can finish by then. The kids waited until the night before Halloween to get costumes. I took Josh but Curtis still had homework so I told him I would get him something and he would be stuck with it. Josh picked out his stormtrooper one and I found a banana for Curtis. I laughed and knew it was mean. He would hate it. I big yellow banana. Ha ha ha.I was looking forward to the nast look. (I know I'm a sadistic mom. I get it from my dad.) I got home and showed it to him. He took one look at it and SWEET! He loved it. Go figure.

Also, I took them to go see the symphony just before Halloween. Curtis has to see a concert a quarter for his music and guitar classes and I thought this would be fun. It said Halloween Hijinks. I figured we could go, listen to some classic Haloween music and stuff. They could live through that. Little did I know that we were actually going to see Hansel & Gretel the OPERA. Ha Ha Ha. Oh the nasty looks from both Curtis AND Aaron. You know that look - the one that says
What have you done??
Or more importantly
What have you made ME do?
Ha Ha Ha.

Fun Stuff!